#209: “A Leavened Community”: Ensembleship, Listening and Musicality in Choirs (with Steven C. Warner)

This episode of Ministry Monday is sponsored by GIA Publications. Rooted in tradition with a clear focus on the future, Gather—Fourth Edition from GIA Publications features a diverse roster of composers and a wide breadth of musical styles in a worthy hardbound hymnal. Gather—Fourth Edition. Learn more at giamusic.com/hymnals.

Choir season is quickly approaching. We know that you’re planning which choir anthems to use, the rehearsal schedule and the plans for each rehearsal, but in this episode, we encourage you to pause and think about the needs of a choir a little bit differently this fall.

Today’s guest is Steven C. Warner. Steven Warner is the founder of the Notre Dame Folk Choir and, until recently, worked for the Notre Dame Newman Center for Faith and Reason in Dublin, Ireland. One of Steve’s many gifts lies in his ability to foster true inclusion and listening in his ensembles. Today we focus on the special qualities that elevate ensembleship within a choir, most of which are not actually music.

#208: An Introduction to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal

This episode of Ministry Monday is sponsored by NPM and Liturgy Training Publications. Together, we offer the Essentials of Catholic Liturgy—a series of three foundational courses perfect for music directors and music ministers.

Track 1 of The Essentials of Catholic Liturgy begins on September 19, 2022. This six-week virtual course serves as an introduction to the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. Participants will gain a greater understanding that will help them carry out their role as a pastoral musician. All levels of liturgical experience benefit from participating! The Essentials courses are also ideal and foundational for anyone pursuing a certification through NPM.

For more information and how to register, visit teocl.org.

Today we speak to Timothy Johnston about the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, or the GIRM: what are its origins? How can we navigate this document for our ministries, both as a tool for learning and a liturgical reference?

Stay tuned to NPM’s future programming for more educational support on how to best use the liturgical documents to guide our efforts in pastoral ministry.

#207: Evolving Faith Formation in the Church Today (with Holly Mohr)

This episode of Ministry Monday is sponsored by GIA Publications. Rooted in tradition with a clear focus on the future, Gather—Fourth Edition from GIA Publications features a diverse roster of composers and a wide breadth of musical styles in a worthy hardbound hymnal. Gather—Fourth Edition. Learn more at giamusic.com/hymnals.

Many of our listeners are pastoral ministers, whether that’s in music, liturgy, religious education, or other facets of the parish life at large. But today’s focus is religious education. The early days of our faith formation are so critical, and are an absolutely vital part of our Church, its legacy and its future, all at once. Not unlike the needs of other ministries, religious education continues to change and evolve in hopes to meet youth where they are and gain a sense of belonging and presence as they grow into their baptized roles as disciples.

Today we speak to Holly Mohr, Director of Religious Education at Mary, Queen of Peace Parish. Holly shares the way that religious education has transformed from a solely CCD mentality into the call to encounter Christ as the mission for faith formation. We also speak at length about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessori-based religious education model growing in the United States today.