Anna Betancourt
Orin Johnson
Matt Maus
Today we continue the thread we began last week: Advent episodes meant to connect, to share, and – in some cases – to triage. In this series, you’ll hear practical tips, suggestions, and ideas to do more than just survive this busy season. Most importantly, you’ll hear from other pastoral musicians working in the “trenches,” just like you.
Last week we spoke with Andre Heywood, who shared with us his tips for choral vocal health during this time when extra singing meets “cold and flu season.” Today, you’ll hear from four different guests: Anna Betancourt, Orin Johnson, Matt Maus, and Teresa Yoder. All of them are music directors with at least one parish. All of them have additional responsibilities, such as leading other ensembles, teaching, or keeping another job. They all work in different parts of the United States, and they all answered the same questions, sharing their own perspectives, wisdom, and experience.
It is tempting to think of Advent as something to endure or get through. But, this approaches this important and holy time through a deficit lens. And, if we have been thinking of Advent in survival terms, it’s difficult to change when the season is already half over. So, you will hear our guests respond to two questions: What do you do in order to thrive during Advent? And, what can we do today to start thriving, too?
Teresa Yoder
For more information about about our guests, click on their names below:
The music you heard in today’s episode: “Creator of the Stars of Night” (Browning), and “Christ, Circle Round Us” (Schutte).
Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode.
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