Leisa Anslinger
The celebration of Pentecost demands that we consider not just the ways in which the Spirit is at work in our lives, but also what unique gifts we possess and how we are called to use them in service to others. To paraphrase the reading from Corinthians, there are many different gifts, and we have each received them for some benefit.
But, though the spirit is a great gift-giver, we aren’t always great gift-receivers. It is more natural for us to covet the gifts and talents of others than to see the value of what we ourselves possess. It’s hard to see how our strengths fit into the talent matrix of our families or the communities to which we belong. Yet, these strengths are, indeed, unique to us, and the employment of these talents is critical for the realization of the work of the Spirit.
In today’s episode, we explore the concept of strengths, what they are, how to identify them, and how an authentic understanding and stewardship of strengths can engage our entire parish community. To do so, we’ll speak with stewardship expert Leisa Anslinger, and we’ll hear again from Pope Francis in this week’s Ministry Moment.
For more information about Leisa Anslinger and her work, visit the Catholic Life and Faith website.
To read more about Strengths Finder and the Living Your Strengths program, visit the Gallup Organization's website.
To read the full text of Pope Francis' remarks from his General Audience on April 24, 2013, visit the Vatican website.
The recording of "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" was produced by ILP. The recording of "Give Us Peace" was produced by GIA Publications.
Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode.
To join us this summer at the national convention in Baltimore, Maryland, visit the 2018 NPM convention website.
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