#075: "One Step Enough For Me": Journeying with St. John Henry Newman (with Steven C. Warner)

Just a few weeks ago we celebrated the canonization of five new “blesseds” into the sainthood, one of which was Saint John Henry Newman, Cardinal of the Church. Saint Newman was instrumental in the founding of the Catholic University of Ireland in 1854, which, in time evolved into University College Dublin, today the largest university in Ireland.

Saint John Henry Newman’s life has impacted countless people across the world, but today we speak to Steven Warner, who works at the Notre Dame Newman Center for Faith & Reason in Dublin, Ireland.


Steven began working at Notre Dame University in 1979, serving as a Campus Ministry staff member. He founded the Notre Dame Folk Choir the following year and served there until 2016. In September 2016 he and his wife, Michelle, moved to Dublin, Ireland, where he began working at the Notre Dame Newman Center for Faith & Reason.


In his blog, Steve described his decision to move this way: “I said yes – yes to the chance to work in downtown Dublin, Ireland, in an historic church whose founder I have admired for most of my ministerial career.  I've studied his words, even put his poetry to music.  It took very little convincing to sign me up, that I might walk and work in the church built on the legacy of John Cardinal Newman.”

Today on the Podcast, we ask Steven: What are the cultural differences between the Church in Ireland and the United States? And how does St. John Henry Newman still lead & guide the faithful to this day? Today we’ll explore Steve’s experiences in the Church and how we can bring those experiences to our own churches in ministry.

Steven joins us today, early in the morning, from Dublin, Ireland.


Edited: A previous version of this episode included resources from the Newman Center for Faith and Reason and the canonization Masses for Saint John Henry Newman. They have since been removed.

Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode. 

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