Chris Ferraro
Today we are pleased to bring you the first in a series of episodes meant to highlight the various interest sections of NPM. There are eighteen of these groups, gathering together pastoral musicians around a common area of interest, such as chant, music education, campus ministry, technology, and more.
I’m joined today by Chris Ferraro, chair of the pastoral liturgy interest section. Chris will share information about what the pastoral liturgy interest section does, who should join, and why the work of the interest section is so important. Chris will also share information about the Liturgical Music Institute, a summer formation program he directs in New York State.
To learn more about Chris by visiting his biography page on his parish's website. You can find out more about the Liturgical Music Institute by visiting the program website.
Many of the Liturgical Music Institute’s program faculty have appeared on the Ministry Monday podcast! You can listen to those episodes here:
Chris Ferraro (Episode 002)
Mike Novak (Episode 024)
Fr. Ricky Manalo (Episode 025)
Keith Kalemba (Episode 026)
The recordings of “Alleluia! Sing to Jesus” (arr. Tony Alonso) and “Go to the World!” (text by Sylvia Dunstan, arr. James Chepponis) are produced by GIA Publications.
Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode.
All content of this podcast is property of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.