Thank you to all of our listeners who tuned into our Focus on Education theme this month. We’ve been hearing from more of you, and we want you to know that we’re listening! We’ve had topics requested this month, and we’re planning to honor them in the coming weeks of the podcast. We’ve also heard some feedback that, quite frankly, the podcast is too long for some of our listeners. We hear you. For that reason, we’re making all February episodes of Ministry Monday a little more bite-sized so you can listen to them in the drive time to church on a Monday, or as you do the dishes in the morning.
The shortest month of the year -even with leap year- will have shorter episodes. Let us know what you think of them during the month of February! Email us anytime at
Today on the podcast we’re talking about NPM 2.0. It’s been six months since we were in the main ballroom of the Raleigh Convention Center and heard the phrase “NPM 2.0” for the first time. Steve Petrunak- along with members of NPM’s Board of Directors and National Council- shared the framework from which NPM 2.0 was envisioned, both in its openness and eagerness to hear from the membership, for NPM’s future.
In all truthfulness, it was met with some excitement, some acceptance, and some confusion. “What does this mean to my chapter? To conventions? To me?” were questions that we received, among many others, after that Wednesday meeting at the National Convention.
A few months back we invited NPM Board of Directors Chair Jeremy Helmes to give us an NPM 2.0 update, but so much has happened in the past few months that we felt it was only right to get another update.
And so here we are, 6 months after the 2019 National Convention. Where are we now, as an association? What changes have been made, if any at all?
Today on the podcast we have NPM president Steve Petrunak. Steve and I sat down and talked about the State of the Union, if you will, for NPM, and not just about NPM 2.0. If you only listen to one podcast episode of the month, this should be it. And forward the podcast to other NPM members you know, because we’re proud to learn of some of these announcements firsthand on the podcast today. It is an episode you shouldn’t miss.
Steve joins us today from the NPM National Office in Silver Spring, Maryland.
“There is so much hope for our association. ”
For more information about the 2020 National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, click here.
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