#098: Following our Baptismal Calling (with Mary Birmingham)

Holy week is upon us, and I think it’s safe to say that our journey through Holy Week looks very different than what many of us are accustomed to. The symbolism layered throughout the sacred days of Triduum are still prevalent this year, but our physical lens from which we will experience them.


Personally, I’ve been experiencing a level of grief. From cancelling my Triduum musicians to practicing live streaming to an empty church, there is a jarring sense of shock I’ve been processing, solely because of my human limitations, I know. If anything, this process has already shown me a “death”, that I know will lead to a resurrection, as we’ve discussed in the podcast already.


Talking to our guest today helped me re-focus in the midst of it all.


Today we hear from Mary Birmingham, a minister and speaker on catechesis. Mary brings her passion for the liturgy and the Rite of Christian Initiation and its power to transform hearts to this work of evangelization hoping it will assist catechists in their remarkable conversion centered ministries.

Today we talk about our individual baptismal call, especially in the midst of our self-isolating reality. In this particular holiest of weeks, Mary’s insights fortified me for the week ahead. We hope it helps you too.



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Mary Birmingham, (MA Liturgy/Theology, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN) is the former director of music, liturgy and Christian Initiation at Ascension Catholic Church in Melbourne, FL. Mary is a former presenter for the North American Forum on the Catechumenate and travels extensively throughout the United States and Canada presenting workshops for dioceses as well as the Catechist School, a two day seminar that teaches skills for the implementation of the RCIA  that she developed with her colleague Nick Wagner of TEAMRCIA. 


Mary is the author of numerous widely used resources for the RCIA:

Formed in Faith,

Confirming Adult Catholics, for Confirmation,

La Confirmation De Los Catalicos Adultos

Purified and Enlightened  (World Library Publications),

Year Round Catechumenate  (Liturgical Training Publications)

Word and Worship Workbooks for Year A, Year B, and Year C, (Paulist Press),

Faith, Life and Creed (online resource: breaking open the word for the three cycles of the year and forty one doctrinal topics) (TEAMRCIA.COM)

Know And Live Your Catholic Faith (web resource published by World Library Pub.)


Mary brings her passion for the liturgy and the Rite of Christian Initiation and its power to transform hearts to this work of evangelization hoping it will assist catechists in their remarkable conversion centered ministries.

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