This week’s podcast honors the mothers of our association and the love and support they show everyone, especially their children. So many parents bring their children to church with them as they minister, and they also do so at NPM events! Today we feature three mothers who have brought their daughters to NPM events for many years.
#062: Engaging Emerging Leaders (with Dr. Bob McCarty)
Dr. Bob McCarty
Over the last few years, NPM has undertaken a variety of new initiatives to serve the needs of the singing and praying church. Throughout the next few months, I’ll be bringing you conversations that highlight these programs and give updates as to their progress and development.
Today, we’re focusing on the topic of emerging leaders. As pastoral ministers, we are called to help identify and develop the gifts of lots of people in lots of ways: cantors, accompanists, lectors, ministers of hospitality, and more. Yet, we are often stymied by the challenge of succession planning. We ask ourselves: Who will come after us? Who will continue this work already begun? Where are the next generation of leaders?
To help us explore these questions and the challenges we face in answering them, we’re joined once again by Dr. Bob McCarty. We’ll also remember the late Rachel Held Evans in today’s Ministry Moment.
To join Dr. Bob McCarty, Dr. Jeannie Downey-Vanover, and Michael Ruzicki for the second NPM Emerging Leaders Institute this summer at the national convention in Raleigh, North Carolina, visit the 2019 NPM convention website.
To learn more about the project, "Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics," from St. Mary's Press, visit their Catholic research website. There you will find an executive summary of the research project, featured stories, audio and video features, and more. You can also purchase a copy of the study here.
You can read Rachel Held Evans’ blog post, “New Songs,” on her website.
The recordings of “Heart of a Shepherd” (Rory Cooney with verses by Joseph Gelineau) and “A Shepherd’s Medley” (arr. Paul Tate) are published by GIA Publications. “The Lord is My Shepherd/El Señor es mi Pastor” (Mary Frances Reza) is published by OCP. “I Shall See” is published by Hampton Roads Music Group.
Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode.
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