Jeremy Helmes
We’ve been enjoying a little summer break here at Ministry Monday. It’s been a few weeks since we released a new episode. In that time, lots has been happening. The annual Guitar and Ensemble Institute just wrapped up. The second annual One Call Institute was a wild success. And, of course, the national convention was held in Raleigh, North Carolina.
That’s where I want to begin, back in Raleigh. There has been much ongoing conversation about this convention and, specifically, the roll-out of a new strategic vision for the association, branded as “NPM 2.0.” To say it plain, reactions were mixed. Some elements of the new vision were warmly received while others caused many questions (or even pushback).
So, our conversation today will explore this NPM 2.0 proposal a little more. What is being proposed? What will the process look like? How will we as members be involved? Is it a “done deal,” or is the vision still being shaped and formed? To help us out, we’ll speak with Jeremy Helmes, the current Chair of the NPM Board of Directors.
For more information about Jeremy Helmes and NPM’s leadership, visit the NPM website. You can also find his book, “Three Great Days: Preparing the Liturgies of the Paschal Triduum” from Liturgical Press.
You can read more about NPM 2.0 and access all of the documents associated with the process by visiting the NPM website.
The recordings of “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” (William Croft, Isaac Watts) was produced by OCP. The recording of “To the Poor a Lasting Treasure” (Fr. Francis Patrick O’Brien) is produced by GIA Publications. The recording of “Go Out” (W. Clifford Petty) is produced by World Library Publications.
Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode.
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