Patti Such
I once heard someone describe working with volunteer ministers in parishes as “concentric circles of challenge.” The first challenge is to find a way to engage potential volunteers. But, once you’ve found a way to break through, you’re met with the challenge of training them. Once you’ve found a way to navigate the difficulties of formation, you’re met with the challenge of scheduling them, and then of retaining them, and so forth.
Today, we’re journeying head-on into these concentric circles to explore what works, and what doesn’t, when it comes to engaging, recruiting, and retaining parish volunteer ministers. To help us out, we’ll speak with Patti Such, who will offer a host of information to help frame our views and approaches toward volunteer recruitment and management. We’ll also hear from a recent blog post written by Diana Macalintal in this week’s “Ministry Moment.”
To learn more about Patti, Rotunda Software, and the Ministry Scheduler Pro program, visit You can try the program for free for 30 days!
You can read Diana Macalintal’s blog post, “Why You Should Rethink the Choir’s Summer Break” on the Liturgy.Life website.
The recordings of “A New Commandment” (The Collegeville Composers Group) is published by Liturgical Press. “Discipleship Medley” (arr. Paul Tate) is published by GIA Publications. “Ubi Caritas” (Laurence Rosania) is published by OCP.
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